Arya Samaj Marriage

Arya Samaj Marriage In Delhi

Arya Samaj Marriage: Arya Samaj marriage refers to a wedding ceremony conducted in accordance with the principles and rituals outlined by the Arya Samaj, a Hindu reform movement founded by Swami Dayananda Saraswati in the late 19th century. Arya Samaj weddings are known for their simplicity, emphasis on Vedic traditions, and rejection of certain elaborate rituals associated with conventional Hindu weddings.


Arya samaj marriage procedureHere are some key features and aspects of Arya Samaj Weddings:

Simplicity: Arya Samaj weddings are characterized by their simplicity. The ceremonies focus on the essential Vedic rituals and teachings without the extravagance often seen in traditional Hindu weddings.

Marriage Documents: Matriculation certificate ( 10th class certificate ),pan card, birth certificate by MCD or other recognize govt. office, passport, driving license, voter I-card, ration card, college I-card, age certificate by C.M.O

Vedic Rituals: The wedding ceremony follows the Vedic rituals mentioned in ancient Hindu scriptures, particularly the Vedas. The rituals are intended to symbolize the union of two individuals in a sacred and spiritually meaningful way.

Monotheism and Idol Worship: Arya Samaj emphasizes monotheism and rejects idol worship. Therefore, the wedding rituals do not involve the worship of idols, and the focus remains on prayers and Vedic chants.

Arya Samaj Mandir: Registered arya samaj mandir in sant nagar burari where couple can get marriage with marriage certificate.

Universal Acceptance: Arya Samaj weddings are often regarded as more inclusive and accessible. The movement promotes the idea that the Vedic marriage ceremony is universal and can be conducted for people from different castes, communities, and backgrounds.

Marriage Ceremony: The actual marriage ceremony involves the exchange of vows, known as the “Saptapadi,” where the couple takes seven steps together, each step symbolizing a vow for a particular aspect of married life. The couple makes promises to support and cherish each other throughout their lives.

Legal Validity: Arya Samaj marriages are legally recognized in many countries. However, it’s essential to fulfill the legal requirements and register the marriage with the appropriate authorities to ensure legal validity.

No Dowry: Arya Samaj strongly opposes the practice of dowry, and marriages typically do not involve the exchange or acceptance of dowry. This aligns with the movement’s emphasis on social equality and reform.

Couples who choose  marriages often appreciate the focus on the spiritual and ethical aspects of the union, along with the simplicity and universality of the ceremony. The ceremonies are conducted in Arya Samaj Mandirs or other venues affiliated with the Arya Samaj movement, and they are usually open to individuals from diverse backgrounds who wish to embrace the Vedic principles of marriage.

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हिंदी में जानकारी

आर्य समाज मंदिर

यह आर्य समाज मंदिर दिल्ली के उत्तरी क्षेत्र में स्थित है ,यहाँ पर शादी ,पूजा  और हवन कराये जाते है। इसके आस पास केचर्चित स्थान जैसे वजीराबाद , मुख़र्जी  नगर और दिल्ली  विश्वविदालय ( नॉर्थ कैंपस ) हैं।

 यह आर्य समाज मंदिर आर्य  समाज द्वारा रजिस्टर्ड है। यहाँ पर Love marriage, Inter caste Marriage, Inter religion marriage and arrange marriage  संपन्न कराई जाती है।

Marriage Procedure Documents/Paper

आप किसी भी दिन फोन से या आर्य समाज मंदिर में आकर अपने विवाह के दिन कि तारीख बुक करा सकते है। आर्य समाज मंदिर में विवाह करने के लिए आपके पास कुछ कागजात होने चाहियें । आर्य समाज मंदिर में विवाह  करने के लिए लड़के की उम्र 21 वर्ष से अधिक तथा लड़की कि उम्र 18 वर्ष से अधिक होनी चाहिए ।

(1)AGE PROOF: 10th class certificate, pan card, birth certificate, Passport, driving license, voter I-card, ration card, college I-card. (2) RESIDENCE PROOF: Driving license, Domicile certificate, service I card, rent agreement, Voter I-card; ration card, passport, bank passbook, and phone or electricity bill. (3) AFFIDAVIT: Two affidavit, one of boy and one of girl  (4) PHOTO: 8-8 passport size photo of both boy and girl (Separate Photo) (/Christian then 8 photos) (5) WITNESS: (ONLY TWO WITNESSES FROM ANY SIDE OF BOY OR GIRL) Two witnesses With Id proof like voter I-card, driving license, passport, and ration card. Marriage certificate/Registration आर्य समाज मंदिर में आर्य समाज विधि एवं वेदिक मंत्रो के साथ विवाह संपन्न किये जाते हैं। विवाह  संपन्न होने  के तुरंत बाद विवाह प्रमाण पत्र दिया जाता है,  जो  पूरे  भारत  में  वैध (Legal)  होता  है   जिसके  आधार  पर  आप  चाहें तो विवाह का पंजीकरण (marriage registration)  भी करा सकते हैं। Timing: इस प्रक्रिया में एक से दो घंटे का समय लगता है। नकली मंदिरों से सावधान! - (Beware of fake temples!) HARVEER SHASTRI- 8585988301, 9891065166.
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