Love Marriage Fees Procedure (Arya Samaj Mandir )

In a love marriage, the couple chooses to get married based on mutual love and affection without the involvement of their families or with their families’ approval. Here is a general procedure that a couple may follow for a love marriage in India:

Declaration of Love: The couple declares their love for each other and decides to get married.

Introduction to Families: The couple introduces their partner to their families and seeks their blessings and approval. This step is crucial, especially in Indian culture, as family support is vital for a successful marriage.

Meeting with Parents: The couple may need to convince their parents or families to accept their relationship and give their consent for the marriage.

Discussion on Love Marriage: Once the families agree, the couple discusses the details of the wedding, including the date, venue, and other arrangements.

Registration of Love Marriage: The couple may need to register their marriage with the local government authorities to make it legally valid.

Wedding Planning: The couple plans their wedding and selects the venue, invites guests, and arranges for the wedding ceremony, including the exchange of vows and rings.

Wedding Ceremony: On the wedding day, the couple exchanges vows and rings in the presence of family and friends. The ceremony may follow traditional customs or be personalized according to the couple's preferences.

Post-wedding Celebrations: After the wedding ceremony, the couple hosts a reception or dinner to celebrate their union with their friends and family.
love marriage

In conclusion, get love marriage from arya samaj mandir sant nagar burari delhi 110084, the procedure for a love marriage may vary depending on the couple’s preferences and cultural traditions. However, it typically involves declaring love, seeking family approval, registering the marriage, planning the wedding ceremony, and hosting a post-wedding celebration.

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हिंदी में जानकारी

आर्य समाज मंदिर

यह आर्य समाज मंदिर दिल्ली के उत्तरी क्षेत्र में स्थित है ,यहाँ पर शादी ,पूजा  और हवन कराये जाते है। इसके आस पास केचर्चित स्थान जैसे वजीराबाद , मुख़र्जी  नगर और दिल्ली  विश्वविदालय ( नॉर्थ कैंपस ) हैं।

 यह आर्य समाज मंदिर आर्य  समाज द्वारा रजिस्टर्ड है। यहाँ पर Love marriage, Inter caste Marriage, Inter religion marriage and arrange marriage  संपन्न कराई जाती है।

Marriage Procedure Documents/Paper

आप किसी भी दिन फोन से या आर्य समाज मंदिर में आकर अपने विवाह के दिन कि तारीख बुक करा सकते है। आर्य समाज मंदिर में विवाह करने के लिए आपके पास कुछ कागजात होने चाहियें । आर्य समाज मंदिर में विवाह  करने के लिए लड़के की उम्र 21 वर्ष से अधिक तथा लड़की कि उम्र 18 वर्ष से अधिक होनी चाहिए ।

(1)AGE PROOF: 10th class certificate, pan card, birth certificate, Passport, driving license, voter I-card, ration card, college I-card. (2) RESIDENCE PROOF: Driving license, Domicile certificate, service I card, rent agreement, Voter I-card; ration card, passport, bank passbook, and phone or electricity bill. (3) AFFIDAVIT: Two affidavit, one of boy and one of girl  (4) PHOTO: 8-8 passport size photo of both boy and girl (Separate Photo) (/Christian then 8 photos) (5) WITNESS: (ONLY TWO WITNESSES FROM ANY SIDE OF BOY OR GIRL) Two witnesses With Id proof like voter I-card, driving license, passport, and ration card. Marriage certificate/Registration आर्य समाज मंदिर में आर्य समाज विधि एवं वेदिक मंत्रो के साथ विवाह संपन्न किये जाते हैं। विवाह  संपन्न होने  के तुरंत बाद विवाह प्रमाण पत्र दिया जाता है,  जो  पूरे  भारत  में  वैध (Legal)  होता  है   जिसके  आधार  पर  आप  चाहें तो विवाह का पंजीकरण (marriage registration)  भी करा सकते हैं। Timing: इस प्रक्रिया में एक से दो घंटे का समय लगता है। नकली मंदिरों से सावधान! - (Beware of fake temples!) HARVEER SHASTRI- 8585988301, 9891065166.
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