Arya Samaj Wedding
Arya Samaj Wedding Procedure
The method of getting married in Arya Samaj temple is very simple, some documents are required to get married here. The biggest advantage of getting married in an Arya Samaj temple is that the Arya Samaj temple also gives a marriage certificate immediately after the marriage, which is considered legally valid and on the basis of this, registration can also be done. There are many Arya Samaj temples in Delhi but not all of them conduct marriages, some temples conduct Havan only according to Arya Samaj method and tell about Arya Samaj. To get married in an Arya Samaj temple, first of all the wedding date has to be booked, after that the marriage is solemnized in the temple and immediately after the marriage, a marriage certificate is given to the couple.

Some Important Documents For Aryasamaj Wedding
( Note. Boys should be above 21 year and girl should be above 18 year )
Age Proof Like: Matriculation certificate, passport, driving license, pan card, birth certificate by MCD or other recognize govt. office, voter I-card, ration card, college I-card, age certificate by C.M.O.
Address Proof Like: Voter I-card, ration card, passport, driving license, bank passbook, phone or electricity bill. Domicile issued by proper govt office, voter I-card of father or mother.
Witness must have to give their proof with address like voter I-card, driving license, passport, and ration card or service I-card with address proof.
( 1 photo of witness )
Two affidavit, one of boy and one of girl
(for more detail, please see the format of affidavit )
Mangal sutra, two jaimala, some flower, sweet -2kg and three type of fruits (minimam 1kg each, maximum as you like)
We do not have any holiday at our Arya Samaj Mandir at Delhi instead all seven days marriages are solemnized. You are welcome to get your arya samaj marriage performed on Sundays and festival holidays as well. Please note that we perform the marriages during the day and they are not performed in the night hours.If you have completed all your documentary formalities you may come for marriage the same day. It would be helpful if you book the premises in advance before 2 or 4 days to avoid any inconvenience. Please note that do not come before calling us on the phone. You are advised to make a phone call before starting for Arya Samaj Mandir, Harit Vihar, it is helpful for us in order to make necessary preparations.
Contact Aryasamaj Mandir
Harveer Shastri :08585988301
Office Number :09891065166