Love Marriage Temple
Love Marriage Procedure
Find arya samaj mandir to get love marriage with arya samaj rules and rituals and also get same day legal love marriage certificate just after the marriage. The procedure of love marriage in Arya Samaj Temple according to Arya Samaj ritual is very simple. You may please contact Shri. Harveer Shastri on his mobile Nos.08585988301 09891065166 and get all the necessary information about the marriage procedures as per Arya Samaj rituals. You can book the marriage date on any day on Mobile or by personal visitation. You can get married in Arya Samaj Temple on any day because we do not observe any holiday. If you desire to visit and see the Temple before marriage ceremony, you are most welcome, and at the same time you can fulfill all your documentary requirements regarding the marriage during this visit.
Documents For Love Marriage
You need to have some documents in order to get married at Arya Samaj Temple such as; (1) Age certificate ( like-10th class certificate, birth certificate etc.). (2) Proof of Residence (like- Identity Card, AdhharCard, Ration Card, Driving License etc.). (3). 4 photographs of each party (Boy and Girl). (4) 2 Witnesses – All witnesses must have Identity Card, Adhhar Card or Driving License. You can come over to our Arya Samaj Temple, Harit Vihar for Marriage at any day.
Almost all Arya Samaj Temples, which solemnize marriages, normally issue the Marriage Certificate immediately after the marriage is taken place. There are many advantages of this Marriage Certificate, for example; to get the marriage registered, securing loan facilities, Securing Family Visa and taking a house on rent etc.
In our Arya Samaj Temple, there is a permanent altar (Yagyashala). In between this Yagyashala there is a Havan-Kunda, where Panditji performs the marriage rituals with reciting the Vedic verses. In case you desire some extra decoration in the Temple, then you need to come over and deposit some money for this purpose. However, it will not be possible to do so over the phone. In fact, the decoration in the Temple is not necessary, however, if you wish, we can do so, but the decoration charges will be borne by you.

In the Arya Samaj Temple, those rituals and customs are performedand followed which have been widely elaborated by Maharishi Dayanand purely based on the rituals found in the Vedas. Our country is a vast country. There are numerous customs and traditions in our country.