Documents Required For Marriage Certificate Delhi

Arya Samaj is a Hindu reformist movement that promotes Vedic principles and teachings. It is known for its simple and straightforward approach to Hindu rituals, including marriage ceremonies. Here are the steps to get married in an Arya Samaj Mandir.

Documents Required For Marriage Certificate Delhi

You need to have some documents in order to get married at Arya Samaj Temple such as;

(1) Age certificate ( like-10th class certificate, birth certificate etc.). (2) Proof of Residence (like- Identity Card, AdhharCard, Ration Card, Driving License etc.). (3). 4 photographs of each party (Boy and Girl). (4) 2 Witnesses – All witnesses must have Identity Card, Adhhar Card or Driving License.

You can come over to our Arya Samaj Mandir, Harit Vihar Burari for Marriage at any day. We solemnize Marriages all seven days of the week. While solemnizing marriages according to the Arya Samaj rituals, main attention is paid on the documents and age of the boy and girl, and their addresses.

Marriage Documents to get marriage in arya samaj mandirFor marriages solemnizing in the Arya Samaj Temple, the age of the boy must be above 21 years and the age of the girl must be above 18 years.

After completion of all these formalities, your marriage will be solemnized by our Panditji, at our Arya Samaj Temple, according to Arya Samaj and Hindu rituals reciting verses from the Vedas. After solemnizing marriage, Legal Marriage Certificate is issued by our Arya Samaj Temple, immediately to the couple which is legally valid  all over India. Based on the Legal Marriage Certificate, issued by our Arya Samaj Temple, you canget  your Marriage registered in the Office of Marriage Registrar. Thus the procedure of solemnizing a marriage in the Arya Samaj Temple is completed.

Marriage Certificate

In the Arya Samaj Temple, the marriages are solemnized according to the Arya Samaj rituals and reciting the Vedic verses. After solemnizing marriage, Legal Marriage Certificate is issued by our Arya Samaj Temple, immediately to the couple which is legally valid  all over India. This Certificate is issued from Arya Samaj Temple declaring that the couple is now married and they are legally Husband and wife. Almost all Arya Samaj Temples, which solemnize marriages, normally issue the Marriage Certificate immediately after the marriage is taken place.

For more detail please call-8585988301

Harveer Shastri Arya Samaj mandir Burari Delhi-110084

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हिंदी में जानकारी

आर्य समाज मंदिर

यह आर्य समाज मंदिर दिल्ली के उत्तरी क्षेत्र में स्थित है ,यहाँ पर शादी ,पूजा  और हवन कराये जाते है। इसके आस पास केचर्चित स्थान जैसे वजीराबाद , मुख़र्जी  नगर और दिल्ली  विश्वविदालय ( नॉर्थ कैंपस ) हैं।

 यह आर्य समाज मंदिर आर्य  समाज द्वारा रजिस्टर्ड है। यहाँ पर Love marriage, Inter caste Marriage, Inter religion marriage and arrange marriage  संपन्न कराई जाती है।

Marriage Procedure Documents/Paper

आप किसी भी दिन फोन से या आर्य समाज मंदिर में आकर अपने विवाह के दिन कि तारीख बुक करा सकते है। आर्य समाज मंदिर में विवाह करने के लिए आपके पास कुछ कागजात होने चाहियें । आर्य समाज मंदिर में विवाह  करने के लिए लड़के की उम्र 21 वर्ष से अधिक तथा लड़की कि उम्र 18 वर्ष से अधिक होनी चाहिए ।

(1)AGE PROOF: 10th class certificate, pan card, birth certificate, Passport, driving license, voter I-card, ration card, college I-card. (2) RESIDENCE PROOF: Driving license, Domicile certificate, service I card, rent agreement, Voter I-card; ration card, passport, bank passbook, and phone or electricity bill. (3) AFFIDAVIT: Two affidavit, one of boy and one of girl  (4) PHOTO: 8-8 passport size photo of both boy and girl (Separate Photo) (/Christian then 8 photos) (5) WITNESS: (ONLY TWO WITNESSES FROM ANY SIDE OF BOY OR GIRL) Two witnesses With Id proof like voter I-card, driving license, passport, and ration card. Marriage certificate/Registration आर्य समाज मंदिर में आर्य समाज विधि एवं वेदिक मंत्रो के साथ विवाह संपन्न किये जाते हैं। विवाह  संपन्न होने  के तुरंत बाद विवाह प्रमाण पत्र दिया जाता है,  जो  पूरे  भारत  में  वैध (Legal)  होता  है   जिसके  आधार  पर  आप  चाहें तो विवाह का पंजीकरण (marriage registration)  भी करा सकते हैं। Timing: इस प्रक्रिया में एक से दो घंटे का समय लगता है। नकली मंदिरों से सावधान! - (Beware of fake temples!) HARVEER SHASTRI- 8585988301, 9891065166.
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